Monday, May 28, 2007

2+ weeks as a family

May 28, 2007001
It's hard to believe we've had Jia in our lives for 15 days. In some ways we feel like we've known her forever, and in other ways it's all brand new. Each and every day she is getting more comfortable with us, but at times we are reminded how fragile she still is. We look forward to the day she can meet you all! We aren't sure when that will be but rest assured, it will happen!

She is soaking up everything around her, and loves to imitate us. We're pretty sure her first English words were "Veggie Tales", but it probably takes a mom and a dad to decipher it! It sounds more like "vehee tae-wuhs" to a tune that is similar to the true song. Who knew a 2 year old would be this fun??


Anonymous said...

Krysta and Jason,
I have so very much enjoyed being part of your journey to Jia! She is absolutely adorable! God is good! Much love, Jane K.
P.S. When the time is right bring her over to our house to play! :)

Anonymous said...

THEY FIT!!!!!!

How wonderful is this weather?! Perfect for getting out to explore with your new addition! You do let me know when she wants to explore the high seas. :)


Anonymous said...

Thank you for including us in
your life changing journey. Let us
know when you are ready to go out
and play. God Bless, Sharon