Saying Goodbye
Today we went with friends, the Schultz' and Nelsons, to the Chinese flea market (a.k.a. Haizhu Square) to wonder around and kill time while we were waiting to go to our consulate appointment. Jia was so spunky today and man is she ever fun! Each day her personality comes out more and more and we can see that she is the perfect fit for us. Jason says you never have to guess how she's feeling (like Mommy), and she enjoys playing around and being silly (like Daddy). You should see some of the faces she makes! She mimics us too which is hysterical to see sometimes. That is partly why she already knows a few signs (sign language). Because she was stuffing her mouth so quickly, I motioned to my mouth and then rubbed my throat and said "swallow" (that wasn't a "sign" but I was trying to show her to take her time while eating). Well, tonight at dinner she would look at me when her mouth was full and then she'd rub her throat. She's a quick one! I'm pretty sure I'm going to have my hands full at home. They described her as "active" and now we know why. :)
She really is the joy of our lives already and it is amazing we've been a family for over a week now. Others in our group have commented how much she's progressed, which is true for all the children here. One little girl, Kiera, would only walk around in a 12 in. radius for the first several days. Now she laughs and plays with her Mommy & Daddy! It's so fun to see them all blossoming!
We didn't take many photos today, and I only chose to post one. When we get home I will upload the rest of the photos to our Flickr album. I plan on continuing the blog when we're home, for awhile at least. We want to thank you for joining us on this incredible journey and for prayers you may have said on our behalf. We truly couldn't have made it the past 2 years without the encouragement and support of all of you!
So we say goodbye to China, for now, and to the new friends we've met along the way. It's sad because we've shared something special in this place, and yet we're happy because we are bringing home a daughter, to a new life, and to people who love and care about her already. We can't wait for you to meet her!
P.S. We have a loooooooong day tomorrow--up at 4:30 a.m. Please remember us as we take the long journey home. Thank you!
She really is the joy of our lives already and it is amazing we've been a family for over a week now. Others in our group have commented how much she's progressed, which is true for all the children here. One little girl, Kiera, would only walk around in a 12 in. radius for the first several days. Now she laughs and plays with her Mommy & Daddy! It's so fun to see them all blossoming!
We didn't take many photos today, and I only chose to post one. When we get home I will upload the rest of the photos to our Flickr album. I plan on continuing the blog when we're home, for awhile at least. We want to thank you for joining us on this incredible journey and for prayers you may have said on our behalf. We truly couldn't have made it the past 2 years without the encouragement and support of all of you!
So we say goodbye to China, for now, and to the new friends we've met along the way. It's sad because we've shared something special in this place, and yet we're happy because we are bringing home a daughter, to a new life, and to people who love and care about her already. We can't wait for you to meet her!
P.S. We have a loooooooong day tomorrow--up at 4:30 a.m. Please remember us as we take the long journey home. Thank you!
Romans 11:33-36
Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God!
How unsearchable His judgments, and His paths beyond tracing out!
"Who has known the mind of the Lord? Or who has been His counselor?"
"Who has ever given to God, that God should repay him?"
For from Him and through Him
and to Him are all things.
To Him be the glory forever! Amen.
My child,
I carried you in my heart
before you were even born
And dared to dream
that you were real.
My child,
I carried your picture with me
since the day I received it,
And dared to love
a child I was yet to meet.
My child,
I carried you in my arms at last,
and gazed in helpless wonder
at your face,
And dared to lose
my heart to you.
And now, my child,
a dream fulfilled,
a prayer answered,
a family created,
I have dared to become a mom.
And so now,
my precious child,
I shall carry you
~ Jill Work
A parents Prayer
Oh heavenly Father, make me a better parent.
Teach me to understand my child, to listen patiently to what they have to say, and to answer all their questions kindly.
Keep me from interrupting them or contradicting them. Make me as courteous to them as I would have them be to me.
Forbid that I should ever laugh at their mistakes, or resort to shame or ridicule when they displease me.
May I never punish them for my own selfish satisfaction or to show my power.
Guide me hour by hour that I may demonstrate by all I say and do that honesty produces happiness.
Reduce, I pray, any meanness in me.And when I am out of sorts, help me, O Lord, to hold my tongue.
May I ever be mindful that my children are children and that I should not expect of them the judgement of adults.
Let me not rob them of the opportunity to wait on themselves and to make decisions.
Bless me with the bigness to grant them all their reasonable requests, and the courage to deny them privileges I know will do them harm.
Make me fair and just and kind.
And FIT me, Oh Lord, to be loved and respected and imitated by my children............AMEN
This passage came from a book I received a few years back, it is
titled God's Little Devotional Book. I found this to be a prayer that works for me and wanted to share it with you and Jason, God bless the 3 of you as you journey home and as you enter this new life. In Christ, Lisa Wakley
They have waited for so long
for this child of choice.
Bless them with an abundance of your love that they may be good parents, that they may create a home of blessing, that they may encourage this child to the fullness of her potential.
Bless their child, O God.
Give her security in their family,
the joy of laughter in their home,
and the courage to face the challenges ahead.
Let their child know the love
they feel so deeply for her,
and let this love be a strength
to confront the opportunities of life.
Amen to all the other comments, Jason and Krysta! And know I am praying as you travel home with your precious little girl.
Love to you all,
Mommy to Li Fang
Waiting for that TA
Hey! Sorry we missed saying goodbye.
We're going to Hai Zhu Square today.
Our bus is leaving the hotel at 5:30am Saturday, so we'll be having a long day, too!
Talk to you soon.
I can't wait to meet her and to see your happy family together at last. I love you!
love Steph
I am so happy for you. At last Mother's & Father's day won't be so sad. I hope I will be able to see Jia sometime. Perhaps you can bring her to the church on Wed. or Thurs. for a visit. My prayers and the prayers of GSCC go with you as you adjust to life with you precious little girl. What a cutie!
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