Monday, May 21, 2007

Sadness & joy

Jia with our guide, David

I have such mixed emotions about leaving China on Wed. morning. We have really enjoyed our tour group, and plan on keeping in touch with many of them. It has been so nice to spend time with other families that are going through the same things we are. There is real camaraderie here at the White Swan because there are so many families here that are adopting. China is an interesting country with so much history. We have actually seen ancient history! Jia's culture is one of grace and pride, and the country is changing every day. The "open door" policy has made a difference in the life of the people here, both good and bad. I am so grateful we experienced the culture and the people. I can honestly say we would do this all over again if we could because it is an experience of a lifetime.

Yesterday a friend and former colleague from Evergreen met us at the hotel and joined us for our afternoon shopping excursion at the pearl market. Joan and her husband, Don, have lived in Guangzhou for the past 2 years while teaching at an International School. It was so fun to have my own personal tour guide! After the pearl market (there were bags and BAGS of pearls everywhere you looked!) we had about an hour and a half before dinner so Jason took Jia back to the hotel and Joan took me to the real China. We hopped on the bus and rode to the cloth market and then to a place called Haizhu Square. Haizhu Square is where you would buy anything and everything that is "Made in China"--literally! Booth after booth of just about anthing you can think of. I could have spent hours there! The shopping in this city is amazing!

When we got back to the hotel, Jia seemed very out of sorts. In retrospect I'm not sure it was a good idea I left her behind. She cried and cried all through dinner and wanted nothing to do with me. She actually woke up a bit on the cranky side. Today, however, she warmed up to me again and we had a terrific day! When she is happy, she is so fun to be around! She is still having a hard time in the mornings when she first wakes up, and doesn't care for either of us. It seems it takes her awhile to wake up. She's taken to just lying in her crib and shaking her head "no" when we reach to pull her out. We don't push her because we aren't in any hurry here. Jia is a very compliant child and is so good for us unless she is tired. We are very blessed that way! She picks up her toys when she is done playing, throws her garbage away, and basically does what we ask. What more could a parent ask for? And her smile; we still can't get over her smile! Even when she's crying she is so darling! She is a very good eater too and eats pretty much every vegetable (LOVES broccoli, and also eats tomatoes & onions!), but her favorite thing to eat is Cheerios.

(click the image for a slideshow)

The funny thing is she doesn't care for bread so I think we'll be eating a lot of rice and noodles at our house! I'm going to have to take some Chinese cooking classes. :) If I could only make Chinese food the way they make it here. Chinese food at home just won't be the same.

As far as Jia's itching, I gave her some Benadryl today and it helped. One of the babies here had scabies and her mom treated her for it and the itching went away, so we're not entirely sure that is what is going on. She has a doctor's appt. on the 31st so we are anxious to figure it out. It can be pretty miserable for her.

Tomorrow is our consulate appointment (I think at 3:30pm) and once that is done the adoption will be completed. We then will pack things up and get ready for a VERY early departure from the hotel on Wed. morning. I know we are going to be exhausted when we get home (it will be 1:00am China time) and it will be a long day of traveling for us. Please continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers. We are hoping for a smooth transition back home. :)


Anonymous said...

So the child does not take a bad picture!! She is so expressive and obviously loves to smile. It is good to see that you met up with Joan and saw the real China.
We are all looking forward to seeing you soon. ME

Anonymous said...

Your daughter is beautiful! What a face! And the personality to boot! :) Praises to our great God!

Her little pink dress is one I have for my Katie - it looks so nice on a little Asian girl! :)

Still praying for you and I have so loved following you guys along on this journey! What an amazing journey this has been!

I hope we can chat on the phone when you get back and before I go! Although life will be a touch busy for both of us, huh? :)

Love to you and praying you home!

Mommy to Li Fang (Katherine Grace)

Anonymous said...

She is so beautiful! The way she smiles and crinkles up her nose is so adorable. We have been praying for the Hess family daily in our 2nd grade class and the kids have enjoyed the picture of Jia!

Thank you for sharing your journey!!
