Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Day 3 was a bit rough

Today Jia woke up out of sorts and stayed that way for the majority of the day. There was no consoling her. She sort of wimpered/whined all day which she really hasn't done yet. I was pretty sure she wasn't feeling well. Her nose is pretty runny and even as she's sleeping now I can hear she's congested. I will be honest and say Mommy had a bit of a breakdown (hiding in the bathroom) because it hurt so much to see her so sad. We will not be disheartened, though, because we know her little heart is still aching for her "Baba" at the orphanage, and she's only known us for a few days now. I guess we'll give her some grace. :)

On our Gotcha Day we basically spent a total of a half hour at the Civil Affairs office, and then we went back to the hotel. We then had to RETURN to the Civil Affairs office at 3:30 that afternoon for the next step in the paperwork--some sort of a cruel joke! It was at that time that we found out that the man who had been watching Jia so intently the first time we were there was actually the Orphanage Director, Mr. Wong. It was so clear that Jia and Mr. Wong had a special connection. He told us her nickname was "Fay Fay" (phonetic), and so we have decided in honor of their special bond we are going to name her Jia Fei (spelling is yet to be determined). Names are extremely important in the Chinese culture, and we are grateful that both of her "American" names will reflect her Chinese heritage.

She is just so precious to us, and we can't imagine life without her. We know that one day she will grow to love us as much as we love her, though I'm not sure that's humanly possible! She's absolutely beautiful, and we are anxious to see her personality come to life. Her smile, sometimes with a crinkled up nose, will turn you to putty! She's going to be a hit at home, that's for sure. Only 8 more days!!

The pictures from today weren't as good, and we didn't take as many because she just wasn't feeling well. The picture of her with the french fry (yes--we have already introduced her to McDonalds--you can thank us later Jim and Sharon!) was from last night. Today we toured the embroidery museum and went to the Yue Li Academy (look it up online if you're interested). I know you don't care about "sightseeing" photos right now so I'll leave those out!

Oh, in case you hadn't noticed, I fixed the two missing pictures from yesterday's post. The sleeping face shot with the tear pretty much summed it up for her. Jason and I get choked up every time we see it.

Our love to you all, and thank you for continued prayers on our behalf. God has been good to us!


Anonymous said...

Hi Again-
I can't stop following your story and adding comments! Jia's story is amazingly similar to Stephanie's... each day will get better and better. We have lots of video of whimpering. It is also amazing how resiliant these kids are. She will love you both with all her heart!

Patch said...

Krysta and Jason -
Your blog is the first thing I check each morning and again at least once during the day. (Especially now, when my computer is on the blink and I'm suffering withdrawal symptoms).

You're certainly going through a lot right now. Love can be so painful. Look forward to when all the hard times will be behind you and you'll be able to enjoy life with your little daughter. You're constantly in my thoughts.

Love you,

Anonymous said...

Jason and Krysta,

What a joy to be following your blog. You are so good to keep all of us up to date! I am either in tears or choking them back each time I read an entry and see photos so I can only imagine the depth of emotion you are all experiencing! The photo of Jia sleeping in your arms is so precious, Krysta. The perfect picture of the heart of a mother - the comfort you can give her now will go a long way to forming your bond. And look, you are already getting a kiss - perhaps a moment that will only be superceded by the first time you hear her say "I love you". The photos from today make you look like the most natural parents around! What a beautiful family the three of you are. God is good! Love you, Lindsay
p.s. I love how you have chosen to name her. Another precious gift you are giving her - what sensitive, thoughtful parents you are :)

Anonymous said...

Absolutely amazing and beautiful- that is one blessed little girl to have so much love in her life, and the look on your faces is priceless. We eagerly look forward to the time when she's ready to meet people so we can shower her with love too!!! I already have her pink Izod tennis outfit ready for her to come play tennis with her auntie Laurie someday!!
We love you guys- God bless you all on the rest of your journey.
Laurie & Morgan

Anonymous said...

Krysta...I just keep staring at your photos. That little face...oh my word! Those eyes! I can only imagine how much love you have for this precious little girl! And to see her in your arms....oh, it is amazing! I just keep saying, "What a precious girl...look at that baby girl...." all to myself here at my computer. I am beyond happy for you guys! Since our referral, I've woken up nearly every night between 2-4am and decided God needs to be praying for China and all our babies over there. So, I pray. Well, last night I was up at 4am and decided God needed me to pray for you guys, so I did. My heart is rejoicing in God's goodness to you and Jason and to your adorable little girl.

Praying for you and loving you across the miles,

Waiting for my Katie (Li Fang)

Anonymous said...

Each day we can not wait to hear more about sweet little Jia and see her precious face. She is amazingly beautiful. We feel your pain, happiness, joy and thankfulness through your wonderful words describing everything you are going through. We continue to pray for all of you through this difficult journey. We look forward to the day you will be able to come home with your daughter! God Bless and Praise be to the Lord for he is good! Denise Johnson and family

Anonymous said...

Hi Again!
Finally I figured out this blogger thing! Just had to add one last comment.
Allyson only uses her potty chair as a stepping stool to hang on the towel bar, watch out..... Jia may learn this at gymnastics!
We are so very happy for you.
Love, Denise

Anonymous said...

Steve and I were talking tonight about your experiences with Jia -
(Very similar to our adoption trip-including the return trip to the Civil Affairs Office)... we wanted to let you know what worked for us.... We walked, carried and/or pushed a stroller around with Steph almost all the time. She did NOT like the hotel room and would cry when inside it. She did not go to sleep easily. Steve walked with her up and down the hallways all hours of the day and night -sometimes singing to her. She didn't cry when on the move. We actually ate dinner one night in the hallway. Once you leave her city and get to Guangzhou, things will improve. Coming home will be a BIG improvement with her grieving. Keep her as busy as you can.....I know you are tired, but bringing her home is drawing near :)


Grandma said...

Dearest Krysta and Jason,

You will never know how much it means to me to be able to read about your time with Jia (both good and bad). I have totally fallen in love with this sweet little girl...she has definately captured my heart! I have spent hours on this computer just looking at the wonderful photos posted here and sharing them with all my friends...yup, just like a typical Grandma. My tears have been many but most are tears of joy.

I have had my computer in the shop since before you left so I am very greatfull to my friend Maya, who has let me use her laptop during this time you are in China. What would we do without our friends? I can see what great friends you have by the special prayers and thoughts they send to you.

I know you don't have much time for research so I looked into some sites for Chinese baby names. All I have found for Fei is a boys' name Fai...nothing for a girl that even starts with an "F". Below you will find an article I found on how the Chinese name their children. I hope you don't mind my sharing it with you here.

I am hoping to come for a visit in August when Nick has some vacation time, but it looks as if I will be moving :(( again at the end of August so now I'm not too sure. I will be so disappointed if I am unable to come then. I know things will work out the way they are supposed to.

Hugs, Kisses and lotsa' love to you. If she will let you, please give Jia a hug and kiss from her Grandma!


Choosing a baby name for the baby girl or baby boy is one of a few most important decisions by parents. This is no difference for Chinese parents. Months before the baby is born, they look up dictionaries, talk to friends and even consult specialists in order to get a perfect baby name. How are Chinese baby names picked?

Infant Name vs. Formal Name

Many Chinese have two names: one infant name and one formal name. As is easy to guess from the wording, infant names are very informal and used among the family members. Chinese use infant names for different reasons and usually they don’t care much about how to get them. For example, Gou Sheng which means “abandoned by a dog” is a popular infant name for baby boys in countryside.

Chinese are much more serious about formal names which are used officially from birth to death. Among many factors in choosing a Chinese baby name (formal name), the date of birth, the genealogy, the baby name meaning, and the gender are considered most important.

Birthday & Chinese Astrology

Date of birth is more than just a date in China. Each date is special in terms of Chinese horoscope, Chinese zodiac and Chinese calendar. Ancient Chinese fortunetellers claimed that they could see a person’s personality and fate if given the birthday. Depending on when the baby is born, parents have to follow certain rules when choosing a baby girl name or baby boy name.

Baby Name & Genealogy

Though not as important as in ancient times, genealogy still plays an important role in many families in China. Last names are always maintained in Chinese family trees, while middle names are the same for members of the same generation. You may imagine that the genealogy is a baby name list of the full names of ancestors and current family members, and last and middle names of offspring (future babies).

Baby Name Meaning

In terms of baby name meaning, Chinese pay equal attention to popular baby names and unique baby names. On one hand, the name reflects the family background and the expectation of parents, so it tends to be unique; on the other hand, the name reflects the historical traits of the society at a particular time. Many Chinese born in the 1960s were named as Weiguo which means “to guard the country” or Xiangdong which means “to face the East”. The baby name meaning stamps the name with characteristics of a specific time: nationalism and cult of personality.

Baby Girl Name vs. Baby Boy Name

It is very easy to tell if a person is a male or female from the Chinese name. When a baby name is chosen, gender traits are included.

A Chinese baby girl name often contains Chinese symbols that are related to the following:

Beautiful and good looking
Flowers and plants
Gentle and Lovely

A Chinese baby boy name often contains Chinese symbols that are related to the following:


Enjoy our little girl!

Anonymous said...

Krysta & Jason -

This will pass. What you're experiencing, even the "time out" for tears in the bathroom, is normal. And, Colleen's wisdom about walking around and keeping moving worked very, very well for Naomi as well. When we stayed in the room, things were tough, but when out the distractions helped soothe the time. Every moment, every hour that passes you are closer to happy days. Her personality will blossom and you'll be so relieved. Some kids are better by GZ, some once their home, for was about a month...but it will pass! Each day will be incrementally better. She needs you even though she may not realize it yet. God has blessed you, richly!

Cheering for you in Ferndale,


Anonymous said...

Krysta and Jason,

God has really prepared you for this time. I've been looking and reading this blog for at least an hour now and can't believe how much your life has changed. She's beautiful! And the picture of the "kiss" is tear jerking. I wish we were not so far apart so I could help celebrate with you and this precious one God has prepared just for you two!

I'll give you a call soon!
Love you friend,
Kristen and Steve