Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Day 2 in Changsha

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Well hello everyone, this is Jason! First, I can't tell you what your comments and encouragement have meant to the two of us. Reading your loving thoughts brought the both of us to tears. (Before I forget, hope all you moms out there had a terrific mom's day, and I'm supposed to give a shout out to the Evergreen Christian family from Mrs. H. Actually she wanted me to send you all hugs and kisses and that sort of thing but my salutation sounds way cooler.) Day 2 has been both encouraging and heart wrenching if that makes any sense. Jia was loved beautifully at the orphanage. In fact it's clear that she was a favorite of the director. Her very strong bond to her caregiver and the director makes her unnatural and abrupt separation from them the most painful thing Krysta and I have ever witnessed. She continues to mourn her loss with a crying that is so filled with sorrow and suffering sometimes we think our hearts will literally break into millions of pieces. It's impossible for Krysta and I to hear it without joining her. She's not really mad at us, just full of confusion and deep pain. I wonder how large of a scar it will leave on her.

Ok, now for the encouraging part. Because Jia received such wonderful care, her overall development is far beyond the other children in our group from the same orphanage (we're a little conflicted about that, as you might imagine). Her language skills are more advanced (and I'm not just speaking as a proud father - entirely). She has already begun to sign "please", "thank you", "more", "bye-bye" etc. She's sharp as a tack.
It's also quite apparent that Jia has a strong capacity to love people. Not only has this been demonstrated in the severity of her separation sorrow, but also in the way she has begun to connect with Krysta. She's allowing Krysta to help her through her pain. When she cries out in anguish for her "baba" (that's what she called the director), she wants Krysta to hold her and stay with her until a merciful sleep takes over her exhausted body. Krysta is "mama" to her now and the beginnings of their relationship are full of hope!

In addition, if you will indulge a little vanity on my part (ok, alot), she happens to be about the most beautiful little girl in all of China (actually I'm thinking the world, but that just sounds over the top doesn't it - even if it's true). But you don't have to take my word for it (though I do consider myself completely impartial). Just ask any one of the dozens of people who have told us that on the streets, in the stores, from our guide, and in our group. It's almost embarrassing!!! One lady stopped me while I was pushing Jia through a department store today to give me the "thumbs-up" sign. For those of you not aware, the "thumbs-up" sign is the universal signal for "that is the cutest kid in the entire world."

One last note, we think she has scabies. Krysta rubbed her down with some sort of cream from head to toe and now her hair looks like Pat Riley's. Pretty cool. One very last note, SHE'S POTTY-TRAINED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Jason & Krysta -

It is the most painful thing in the world to see our child grieve. But you are ABSOLUTELY CORRECT that this is a good sign. She has clearly bonded before and she definitely will again! Just try to rest and just BE together. The less your expectations of yourself and her, the more peaceful these first few days will be! If she's up to it, take simple walks and enjoy the wonderful country of China. The more you see of her home, the more wonderful stories and memories you'll have to share. We found it best not to push with Naomi, just to follow her cues. If she wanted the shoes she came to us in...we just rolled with it. She needed to feel some, ANY, control of her life. The deep pain she is experiencing is bitter but we forge powerful connections when we are there with our loved ones in their time of suffering. She will know, she will remember, that her Momma & Daddy were faithful and ever-present during her time of anguish. It will reap marvelous benefits! You are so blessed...she is amazing...God has brought YOUR daughter home to your arms! Praise God for His wisdom and mercy for your family! Thanks for sharing with us so generously the miracle you're experiencing!

Amanda Hostetler & the Ferndale Gang

Patch said...

Krysta and Jason -

I can't imagine the extreme emotions, the highs and lows you're going through right now. The comment from Amanda (above)contains a lot of empathy and wisdom that I trust will strengthen you. The pictures are just precious - what a sweetheart! God is gracious and children are resilient.

Anonymous said...

Jason and Krysta,
What beautiful, touching words from Jia's dad. How blessed she is to have your empathy and your love. The picture of her in Krysta's arms with the tear on her cheek speaks to that.
Amanda's words are so true.
Once again we are not getting much done around here-too much ooohhhing and awwing together. ME

Grandma said...

Jason, Krysta & Jia

Jason, so nice to hear some words from you about your new daughter. Wow, has that sunk in yet? You are so right...she is the most beautiful little girl in the world!! From the pictures it looks as though you and Krysta are doing a wonderful job with her. I have to admit I was in tears myself when I saw the picture of Jia with a tear still on her little cheek, sleeping soundly in her Mommy's arms. My heart goes out to all three of you. I know with God's help and love and the loving attention from her Mommy and Daddy her scars will be minimal.

Potty trained? How unfair...that is one of the tests you are supposed to be able to pass! Just kidding, now she will have an extra drawer for clothes! (lucky girl)

Now that you are able to read the blessings, thoughts and comments that are coming your way,it has to be a great relief to know we're all out here sharing this wonderful event with you. I am so looking forward to more pictures as well as the interaction between you and Jia. My love to the new Hess FAMILY!! Mom

Anonymous said...

Jason & Krysta, my heart aches and rejoices with you all at once. The pictures are precious and brought tears to my eyes. Tears of sorrow and tears of joy. To see you protecting and loving that precious little soul, in her deepest pain, is precious, heart-breaking, and amazing all at once. She is YOUR baby girl and I rejoice with you in that. And my heart aches for her little heart. God knows her tears - and yours - and He's protecting you, loving you, and caring for you all during this time.

My love to you!

Waiting for our precious soul, Li Fang